Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

1. The school expects every student to observe the following code of conduct:
2. Every student should carry his/her assignments book to school on all days.
3. Every student should pay his/her dues on 10th of the every month . If he /she does no do so he/she will be fined at the rate of Rs. 10/- per day.
4. Student should reach school at least five minutes before time.
5. Student should start moving to their classrooms immediately after the bell.
6. To come out of class without the permission of the class teacher is and offence . Student are not permitted to come out of the class room except during recesses.
7. Shouting or whistling is not allowed in the school building . Throwing bits of chalk on other of teasing fellow student in any manner is strictly forbidden .
8. Student are the care takers of the school property & damage done to the school property even accidently Headmistress . Those who spoil the wall or damage any school property /furniture shall have to make good the ---lose Toys, Book (other then text book) and magazines brought to the school without permission are liable to be conflicted .
9. Students who are escorted to school by their guardians or servants should never leave the school premises without escort. In case of delay they should stay in the school and wait for the escort.
10. Student who go home on foot should not loiter around but go home straight.
11. Student who has the school bus should line up to board the bus. They should get down at their proper bus stop only when the bus comes to a dead stop. Students should observe good manners while travelling in the school bus and should not protrude any part of their body out of the bus. The student can be disallowed the use of bus on account of misconduct.
12. Student should submit the progress report signed by their guardian within two days of its receipt .
13. Student should attend school in proper uniform.
14. Student are not allowed to leave the school during working hours unless the authorized person whose signature are on the first page of this book, comes in person or sends the request in writing.
15. Student should observe good manners wherever they are. They should spread the fragrance of their good conduct to bring credit themselves, to their parents and to their school.
16. The school has the right to take disciplinary action against any student for improper conduct and may remove such student from the rolls.
17. If a student does not attend his/her school regularly up to one week then his/her name will be struck off from school rolls and only he will allow to sit or attend his/her class after new admission.
18. Student are not allowed to pluck flowers from school premises.
19. The school aims at intellectual ,moral, ethical, physical ,aesthetic and cultural development of the child. Integrated personality development of the child is ensured by including right attitude and values , discipline, fraternity and Indian culture under the expert guidance of a team of highly qualified , experienced and dedicated staff member who firmly believe in the attainment of perfection in every task under taken by them.