Note To Parents

Note To Parents

1. Constant vigilance on the part of the guardians pay rich dividends . You will be helping the school and child of pay attention to the following.

a) This hand book is used as means of home school communication. You are requested to check daily the record of home work the remarks, if any given by the teacher and sign it.
b) Please see that your ward is properly equipped with all the required text books and stationery , craft material and other articles required for his/her studies.
c) Please see that your ward is neat and comes to the school in proper school uniform . The uniform is to be made according to the school specification both tas regards to material and pattern.
d) Kindly see that your child is following a time-table to work at home.
e) If your child is not making the desired progress , you are welcome to contact the head mistress or the class teacher concerned to discuss remedial measures. The appointment with the Headmistress should be made on telephone. The appointment with teacher can be made making use of the column ‘Appointment with teacher’ in you ward’s Dairy. If a guardian comes to school and meats teachers without prior appointment , the school work is badly disturbed. Please help me school in this matter and seek your prior appointment.
f) Do not allow your ward to carry cell phone to school. If it is found, the school authorities are athorised to take it away.
g) Any communication that parents wish to make with the school must be addressed to the Headmistress only and not to any Teacher.
h) Parents and guardians must immediately inform the school, in case there is a change in their address and of telephone number.
i) Last but not the latest, we expect parents and guardians to be cordial and polite with the staff of the school even in the most taxing situations.